@Olig "Does anyone have any recommendations on other documentaries of the like??"
This is about "The Buddhafield"-Cult -- by an ex-member
so i just watched a documentary on netflix called "the end of the world cult" about some geezer named wayne bent (self proclaimed as michael travesser).
some of the stuff this guy says is absolutely unbelievable, and made me seriously think that there are some god awful cults out there, and made me think my time in the jw's (however boring and restrictive) wasn't all so bad... has anyone else seen this?
does anyone have any recommendations on other documentaries of the like??
This is about "The Buddhafield"-Cult -- by an ex-member
if this is old news then just scrap it.. .
looks like more watchtower property is for sale.. .
Kim & Mikey said, it's an assembly hall.
"Another one bites the dust!"
leadership noun.
definition of leadership.
1 : the office or position of a leader.
Yup, the same kind of word game they play with the nebulous distinction between "being inspired" and "spirit guided".
"I'm still waiting for the GB to officially state that theirs is a leaderspiritless organization...I won't hold my breath."
earlier i posted about the call from close family about that the end is expected in very short time.. today i had the opportunity to speak in person.. this is what is told to me:.
- the gb speaks to us personality through broadcasting;.
- the annual meeting was a very clear message from the gb;.
Blind faith in blind leaders is a great recipe for personal disaster.
"We are roving about." Gerrit Lösch (GB)
if your not worried about jw moral standards you may like to hear this verse, about the dangers posed by some makes of plastic chairs to manly men.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/818023414953244/permalink/1667787039976873/.
dont forget to turn the sound on!.
The notorious JW-apologist will take this poem as proof that women cannot be entrusted with the task of responsible chair design.
It's "The Terrifying But Tragically True Tale of Trevor's Trapped Testicle". Just an incident of bad luck. Nothing to invoke Christian values and morals about. In the end all is well, no lasting harm is done. So, rest assured:
Moderate clapping and expressions of joy permitted.
P.S.: Even a pair of Tight Pants would have served as a sensible precaution.
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
It's all about appreciating the difference between having a dick versus being a dick.
so....i’m going to rewind for a second.
one of my brother-in-laws came over one evening late in 2016, november i think, just to hang out.
we hadn’t seen him in a while and this is before we told anyone in his family we were out.
Thanks for sharing the good news. Everyone who leaves is a nail in the coffin of the WatchTower delusion factory.
recently bret weinstein and richard dawkins sat down for a debate.in the following video, weinstein talks about what can be done to address an error in dawkins'selfish gene theory in terms of the new atheism's error and regarding religion as a mind virus.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm8fksjljtm&t=1096s_____and a good follow up:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr5yn2g4h54&t=904s.
Marked for later. - But I noticed the oxymoron in the title of the thread:
Evolutionary purpose -- WTF?
is there any word on what the results are for the 2018 service year report?.
I wouldn't say they are "hidden", they just don't make it easy to find.
Don't make it easy to find -- That's the definition of "to hide".
has anyone experienced that family members of the general flock and those of the elders were treated differently, unfairly, or just put on a pedestal just coz they were elders kids?
where i grew up ,elders kids used to steal from their dads wallet right in fron t of us , and say to us that " if you say anything no one will believe you, i am the elders son".this went on from bad to worse , he grew up a constant liar, wore earrings to college and questionable association and clothes, involved in all things worldly.
.i know this coz he had a worldy friend who lived next door to me.this neighbors house was his go to for a double standard life style.
Growing up as a JW and the son of an elder I often felt like living in a bubble in a bubble. As a JW kid there weren't a lot of other kids in my age group anyway, but if I wanted to hang out with someone not being from the "higher ranks" as it were, that was frowned upon, especially by my mother. I remember her saying, "they are just ordinary brothers", and I should make friends with other elder kids. I felt ashamed of her.